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3 randomly selected previous events
Thursday, 6 May 2010
Glasgow School of Art, Glasgow
Tuesday, 23 September 2008
Wesbourne Studios, London
Thursday, 20 October 2005
Glasgow School of Art, Glasgow
Blog/News - Filter: About
LL 46: Moving Brands Raffle


For all of you who are coming along to tonight’s talk by Moving Brands – here’s a sneak preview of the raffle prizes on offer:
2 x Moving Brands Living Identity books
1 x Moving Brands tote bag
1 x

Autumn 2009 series

We thought we should let you know that we haven’t given up on LL, we’re all just a tad busy. Andy Massey (one of our founders) became a Dad a few weeks ago – Congrats due! – so he’s not …

Other lecture/talks in London

Someone said to me at the Tomato talk that it was great we were doing them in London now as there’s nothing else like it…well I beg to differ, as will the LCC. In fact they’ve got their own series …

So what is LongLunch?

It’s come to my attention in the last few days, as we chip away into the London scene, that some people are experiencing LongLunch for the first time. I’m annoyed with myself for not realising that, even though LL has …

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