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3 randomly selected previous events
Tuesday, 25 October 2011
Conway Hall, London
Thursday, 30 October 2008
ECA, Edinburgh
Thursday, 15 November 2018
Edinburgh College of Art
Main Building
West Court Lecture Theatre
74 Lauriston Place
Edinburgh EH3 9DF
Blog/News - Filter: FITCH
Rodney Fitch, CBE – Tickets


Just a short reminder that today is the last day we’ll be posting out tickets for Fitch’s talk this Thursday (18th).

All tickets purchased after today will be left on the door for collection. Tickets are still available from here

Rodney Fitch, CBE – Posters

Hot off the press – from George down at Barnhaus – Mr Fitch’s posters in all their silver stock, fluorescent green glory.
Tickets for the talk are still available from here.

For those interested, the spec was:

Event 41 – Rodney Fitch, CBE

Event 41 - Rodney Fitch

Every now and again we at LongLunch get access to a legend; Peter Saville, Ian Anderson, Jonathan Barnbrook and Adrian Shaughnessy to name a few. To land a former president of the D&AD, CSD and a CBE to boot …

Welcome on board – Barnhaus


We’d like to say a big ‘thank you’ and ‘hello’ to our new print sponsor BARNHAUS.

Thanks to them you’ll continue to receive free posters for the forthcoming events this year (UVA@The Design Museum, FITCH@The

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