Upcoming Events
3 randomly selected previous events
Friday, 30 May 2003
CCA, Glasgow
Monday, 16 October 2006
Assembly Rooms, Edinburgh
Thursday, 5 May 2011
Glasgow School of Art, Glasgow
Blog/News - Filter: IT Dept


Supermundane is the moniker of Internationally-acclaimed artist, graphic designer, illustrator and writer Rob Lowe.

Over the past 20 years or more Rob has amassed an enviable body of work for clients such as Apple, V&A, Wallpaper, Nokia, Orange, Penguin, …

Alan Kitching


Alan Kitching is a world-renowned typographer, designer and letterpress practitioner who’s celebrated career has spanned six decades. He co-established the Experimental Printing Workshop at Watford College of Technology in 1964, then after founding two design studios he established The Typography …

Talk Announcement: Alan Kitching

Alan Kitching at LongLunch

After our extended winter break, we are back with more gusto than ever and excited to announce our first event of the year – letterpress extraordinaire, Alan Kitching.…

Vince Frost


The design world’s most celebrated Antipodean-dwelling anglo, Vince Frost joins us in Glasgow on 14 November 2015. Vince is in the UK making appearances at Central Saint Martins College, Offset London and D&AD’s President’s Lecture to promote his new book …

A Practice For Everyday Life

It’s been a while since our last event with the esteemed Matt Clark of United Visual Artists. But we’re back and, from light, sound and lines of generative code, we’re moving back to more familiar territory of layout, ink, …

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