Upcoming Events
3 randomly selected previous events
Thursday, 23 April 2015
The Reid Lecture Theatre
The Glasgow School of Art
167 Renfrew Street
Glasgow G3 6RQ
Thursday, 10 November 2005
Point Conference Centre, Edinburgh
Monday, 1 March 2010
Westbourne Studios, London
Blog/News - Filter: Jonathan Ellery
Digest #15

In this issue of our infrequent newsletter (November 2020) we caught up with former speaker Jonathan Ellery, founder of Browns, and here’s what he told us.

I’ve never really been a fan of Whisky. And I think there’s …

So what is LongLunch?

It’s come to my attention in the last few days, as we chip away into the London scene, that some people are experiencing LongLunch for the first time. I’m annoyed with myself for not realising that, even though LL has …

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