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Blog/News - Filter: Marina Willer
Marina Willer

53-Marina Willer

One of two hundred posters created for LongLunch Event 53: Marina Willer.

Production details:
Designed by: Marina Willer, Pentagram
Produced by: Ashton Screenprint
Paper: Naturalis, Absolute Matt, 160gsm
Print: 3 colour (PMS Rhodamine Red, 021 & 012)

Marina Willer

LongLunch Event 53: Marina Willer

Marina Willer is a graphic designer, filmmaker and partner at Pentagram Design.

Before joining Pentagram, Willer was head creative director for Wolff Olins in London where she was responsible for major identity schemes including Tate, Southbank Centre, Schaulager Museum …

Talk Announcement: Marina Willer


After a slightly longer than planned summer break (sorry about that) we’re back in Edinburgh this time for our next event with the ridiculously talented Marina Willer.

A Graphic designer, filmmaker and partner at Pentagram Design, Willer has …

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