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3 randomly selected previous events
Thursday, 5 May 2011
Glasgow School of Art, Glasgow
Thursday, 15 October 2015
Main Lecture Theatre
Edinburgh College of Art
74 Lauriston Place
Edinburgh EH3 9DF
Monday, 17 May 2010
Design Museum, London
Blog/News - Filter: Rejane Dal Bello
Digest #70

Rejane Dal Bello

In our February 2021 issue of Digest we caught up with award winning Graphic Designer, Illustrator and former speaker Rejane Dal Bello and here’s what she told us.

When the first lockdown happened in March 2020, for me as for

Rejane Dal Bello

One of two hundred and fifty posters created for LongLunch Event 70: Rejane Dal Bello.

Production details:
Designed By: Rejane Dal Bello
Produced by: Ashton Screenprint
Paper: GF Smith, Heaven 42, 200gsm
Print: 2 colour (Black & Fluorescent

Rejane Dal Bello

Rejane Dal Bello is an award winning graphic designer and illustrator. Based in London, her studio and collaborators specialise in creating brands and visual identity systems for national and international clients in the corporate, cultural & non-profit sectors.

Originally from …

Talk Announcement: Rejane Dal Bello

For our last event of 2019 we’re back in Glasgow, in a new venue for us, to host Brazilian born, multi award-winning designer and illustrator, Rejane Dal Bello.…

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