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Tuesday, 24 November 2009
Westbourne Studios, London
Monday, 1 March 2010
Westbourne Studios, London
Monday, 25 April 2005
Assembly Rooms, Edinburgh
Blog/News - Filter: Talk
Talk Announcement: Alan Kitching

Alan Kitching at LongLunch

After our extended winter break, we are back with more gusto than ever and excited to announce our first event of the year – letterpress extraordinaire, Alan Kitching.…

Talk Announcement: A Practice For Everyday Life

It’s been a while since our last event with the esteemed Matt Clark of United Visual Artists. But we’re back and, from light, sound and lines of generative code, we’re moving back to more familiar territory of layout, ink, …

Talk Announcement: Studio Makgill


Event 50
Studio Makgill
16 April 2013
Design Museum
Shad Thames
London SE1 2YD

Doors open: 7.30pm / 8.00pm start
Tickets: £17 / £12 NUS / £8.50 Museum Members

Tickets on sale soon via the Design Museum

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