Upcoming Events
3 randomly selected previous events
Tuesday, 25 October 2011
Conway Hall, London
Thursday, 15 October 2015
Main Lecture Theatre
Edinburgh College of Art
74 Lauriston Place
Edinburgh EH3 9DF
Thursday, 9 March 2017
Reid Lecture Theatre
The Glasgow School of Art
167 Renfrew Street
Glasgow G3 6RQ
Blog/News - Filter: Tony Brook
So what is LongLunch?

It’s come to my attention in the last few days, as we chip away into the London scene, that some people are experiencing LongLunch for the first time. I’m annoyed with myself for not realising that, even though LL has …

Tony Brook – Spin


Tony Brook studied at Percival Whitley College of Further Education in Halifax West Yorkshire and at Somerset College of Arts and Technology. He established the multi-disciplinary design studio Spin in 1992. As creative director of Spin he has received national …

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