Upcoming Events
3 randomly selected previous events
Thursday, 15 January 2004
GSA, Glasgow
Thursday, 29 October 2009
Westbourne Studios, London
Thursday, 6 October 2016
The Reid Lecture Theatre
The Glasgow School of Art
167 Renfrew Street
Glasgow G3 6RQ
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Nils Leonard – Uncommon

Nils Leonard is a designer, entrepreneur and co-founder of Uncommon. Launched alongside Lucy Jameson and Natalie Graeme their infectious mix of positive frustration is the driving force behind a new type of agency, one that aims to be “a …

Rejane Dal Bello

Rejane Dal Bello is an award winning graphic designer and illustrator. Based in London, her studio and collaborators specialise in creating brands and visual identity systems for national and international clients in the corporate, cultural & non-profit sectors.

Originally from …


In 2009 Ben Wright and Paul Stafford founded DesignStudio. Their vision was to bring design back to the heart of the business, and work closely with ambitious leaders and teams to make a meaningful difference to the world’s most …


In 2009 Ben Wright and Paul Stafford founded DesignStudio. Their vision was to bring design back to the heart of the business, and work closely with ambitious leaders and teams to make a meaningful difference to the world’s most …

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