Upcoming Events
3 randomly selected previous events
Tuesday, 25 October 2011
Conway Hall, London
Thursday, 6 October 2016
The Reid Lecture Theatre
The Glasgow School of Art
167 Renfrew Street
Glasgow G3 6RQ
Thursday, 25 February 2013
Edinburgh College of Art, Edinburgh
Blog/News - Filter: Talk
Talk Announcement: Atlas


As the end of the year approaches, we have one last event to delight you with. We’ll be back in Edinburgh next month with Astrid Stavro and Pablo Martin of Atlas.…

Talk Announcement: FIELD


It feels like an age since our last event when we hosted Supermundane in Glasgow. After an extended summer break we are back in Glasgow again with our next speakers: London-based studio FIELD.…

Talk Announcement: Supermundane / Rob Lowe


Following on from our hugely popular event in Edinburgh last month, we’re back in Glasgow this April to host the super-talented, super-nice Rob Lowe, aka Supermundane.…

Talk Announcement: Alan Kitching

Alan Kitching at LongLunch

After our extended winter break, we are back with more gusto than ever and excited to announce our first event of the year – letterpress extraordinaire, Alan Kitching.…

Talk Announcement: 4Creative

It’s been a while since we’ve had an event in the capital (apologies for that) but we’ve been busy behind the scenes curating an interesting line-up of speakers for the coming months. First up, 2013’s Agency of the Year, 4Creative

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