Upcoming Events
3 randomly selected previous events
Tuesday, 20 October 2009
Westbourne Studios, London
Thursday, 20 May 2010
Glasgow School of Art, Glasgow
Thursday, 15 October 2015
Main Lecture Theatre
Edinburgh College of Art
74 Lauriston Place
Edinburgh EH3 9DF
Talk Announcement: Rejane Dal Bello

For our last event of 2019 we’re back in Glasgow, in a new venue for us, to host Brazilian born, multi award-winning designer and illustrator, Rejane Dal Bello.…

Talk Announcement: Tom Sharp,
The Beautiful Meme

To kick-off our 2019 series of events we’re back in Edinburgh and bringing with us the fantastically entertaining Tom Sharp, founder and Creative Director at The Beautiful Meme.<…

Talk Announcement: DesignStudio

We’re delighted to announce (after close on 2 years!) that we’re back in Edinburgh for our next event. And, if that wasn’t cause enough to come along, we’re bringing with us the much lauded Ben Wright and Paul Stafford from …

Talk Announcement: Jack Renwick

After a quieter than planned 2017, we’re over the moon to announce our first event of 2018. This March we’ll welcome home to Glasgow, the woman who’s been the cause of so many “I wish i’d thought of that!” moments …

Talk Announcement: Freda Sack

LL66 Freda Sack Q graphic

We’re really pleased to announce our first event of 2017 will see renowned type designer and International Society of Typographic Designers (ISTD) Board director Freda Sack join us in Glasgow in March.…

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