Universal Everything


Matt Pyke is a UK based media artist working in the Peak District National Park and London. He is the founder of the digital art / design studio,
Universal Everything.

His work explores the tension between abstract and figurative form and the synesthesia of sound and image, leading to expressive, vibrant digital artworks,
embodied with emergent life and anthropomorphism.

His approach is led by materials, painting and sculpting with new technologies and formats including 3D printing, touch screens, motion capture and large
format video. The use of sound is intrinsic to the work, stimulating visual reactions and amplifying emotions.

With a background in botanical and technical illustration, then design and typography, he often works with collaborators including programmers, musicians
and choreographers. The outcomes range from mobile software art to site specific video installations.

His work has exhibited at MOMA – New York, V&A Museum – London, Central Academy of Fine Arts – Beijing, Garage Centre for Contemporary Culture – Moscow, La Gaite Lyrique – Paris and Art HK – Hong Kong.

Posted by:
October 20, 2009
LongLunch Event