Upcoming Events
3 randomly selected previous events
Thursday, 26 February 2009
Glasgow School of Art, Glasgow
Thursday, 25 April 2013
The Lighthouse, Glasgow
Thursday, 27 May 2004
NMS Lecture Theatre, Edinburgh
Blog/News - Filter: London
A Practice for Everyday Life

A Practice For Everyday Life

Founded by Kirsty Carter and Emma Thomas in 2003, A Practice for Everyday Life is a design agency whose work spans graphic design, brand identity, art direction, book design, exhibition, print and digital design. APFEL investigates, explores, collects and experiments …

Julian House – Intro


Information to follow…

Talk Announcement: Moving Brands and INTRO


Having not done a talk for nearly a year now, in Scotland at least, (what the hell have we been doing?!?) we’re back with two great speakers and three events back to back.

Event 46: MOVING BRANDS, 4th

Hans Wolbers – LAVA

Lava poster for London talk.

Lava is an Amsterdam based design agency, founded in 1990. It has strong roots in editorial design, which has trained them to work as visual storytellers. Over the years, this way of thinking has lead to a unique approach to …

United Visual Artists


Information to follow…

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