Upcoming Events
3 randomly selected previous events
Tuesday, 24 November 2009
Westbourne Studios, London
Tuesday, 25 October 2011
Conway Hall, London
Saturday, 14 November 2015
The Reid Lecture Theatre
The Glasgow School of Art
167 Renfrew Street
Glasgow G3 6RQ
Blog/News - Filter: Spin
Burniston shoots LongLunch

LongLunch Posters

Apologies to all who (if indeed anyone does) subscribe to this blog, we’ve been quieter than a bunch of alter boys in a library. We’re still in the process of organising this years events, so no news on that front, …

Another big thanks, this time to Adrian and Tony


Thursday night (29th October) saw Tony Brook and Adrian Shaughnessy give their second LongLunch talks, this time together. Tony was Event 22, with Adrian being our 21st talk two and a half years ago, both in Glasgow. This time round …

A big thanks to Matt!


A huge thanks to Matt Pyke for a great talk last night, and a fascinating insight into how he works, his collaborations and overall creative excellence. Thanks too to all who made it along and queued patiently to get in, …

Adrian Shaughnessy and Tony Brook confirm date

Former Scottish speakers Tony Brook (of Spin) and Adrian Shaughnessy have agreed to do a talk for us in London on the 29th October at the Project Space in the Westbourne Studios (a short trip along the Hammersmith and City …

So what is LongLunch?

It’s come to my attention in the last few days, as we chip away into the London scene, that some people are experiencing LongLunch for the first time. I’m annoyed with myself for not realising that, even though LL has …

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