Holiday inspired.

il Gladiatore

So I took at copy of LL speaker 21 Adrian Shaughnessy‘s ‘How to Be a Graphic Designer, Without Losing Your Soul’ (yeah I know I am behind the times) on holiday with me and didn’t read it. I did however see a brilliant exhibition called il Gladiator.e in the Naples’ Museo Archeologico Nazionale. Half the exhibits were missing but the black and white text on red walls made it for me… and now I need to know what is the font!

So dispite not reading the book I have been invigorated (Oh, how I love a holiday!). I also bought Hoefler & Frere-Jones‘ simply wonderful Sentinal. Man I love that font!

So the point of this post I guess is:
‘Been on holiday? Been inspired? Well what by?’


Posted by:
July 15, 2009