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Blog/News - Filter: Jonathan Barnbrook
Burniston shoots LongLunch

LongLunch Posters

Apologies to all who (if indeed anyone does) subscribe to this blog, we’ve been quieter than a bunch of alter boys in a library. We’re still in the process of organising this years events, so no news on that front, …

Tickets and posters arrive for Jonathan Barnbrook talk on 01/03/10


Well with only one working day left till the talk we’ve now got these beautiful posters designed by Jonathan for his talk on Monday. Huge thanks to GF Smith for the Peregrina Silver stock and Push for their printing skills …

Jonathan Barnbrook tickets now on sale

Just wanted to add a small reminder to the blog about Jonathan Barnbrook’s talk in two weeks, in London. His last talk for us, in Edinburgh, was about 4 years ago so it’s going to be great to hear what …

So what is LongLunch?

It’s come to my attention in the last few days, as we chip away into the London scene, that some people are experiencing LongLunch for the first time. I’m annoyed with myself for not realising that, even though LL has …

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